Firebreak Management News

What strategies can homeowners take to prepare their homes and property for wildfires?

Wildfires pose a significant threat to homeowners and their properties, especially those living in fire-prone areas. Preparation is key to mitigating potential damage and ensuring the safety of residents. In this blog post, we will explore seven essential strategies that homeowners can adopt to prepare their homes and properties for wildfires. By implementing these proactive […]

What strategies can homeowners take to prepare their homes and property for wildfires? Read More »

THin/-ing: VERB (Make or become less dense, crowded or numerous)

Thinning, have you ever heard this term before? Chances are, you have heard it around you, in passing, in reference to your property or of a friends. Maybe your father-in-law talks about his hair in this manner at every family gathering… Regardless of how you have heard it before, I want to share with you

THin/-ing: VERB (Make or become less dense, crowded or numerous) Read More »

Making defensible space and understanding the “Home Ignition Zone”

Lets use this as the starting point. This is a basic overview and bullet heavy, concept-based article. Understanding the Home Ignition Zone is very important for property owners who live near the forest boundaries or within it. Understanding and then implementing these techniques can keep your home safe against the threat of wild fire. The

Making defensible space and understanding the “Home Ignition Zone” Read More »